Our Web Development Services

You need a website that’s going to work for you, not just look better. Our website development services focus on both.

Since 2015, The Lead in Motion has been dedicated to crafting and maintaining exceptional customize websites, providing web development solutions that cater to businesses and brands across various scales.

Our proficient team of Singapore-based web development specialists excels in constructing fully tailored websites, landing pages, and efficient management systems. In addition, we extend a diverse array of hosting and maintenance packages.

At The Lead in Motion, we’ve pioneered a web development methodology that seamlessly merges our Google Analytics Certified experts. We firmly reject the concept of a universal solution, recognizing that each website is distinctive. Our web development services approach turns into a comprehensive, strategic method that guarantees your new website speed, stability, user-friendliness, responsiveness, SEO optimization, and conversion orientation. Our expertise extends across various CMS platforms including WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, Sitecore, and more.

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Completed website projects
years paid media expertise
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Average Website Uptime

Our Web Development Services

The Lead in Motion provides a variety of web development services and solutions that are customized to your unique requirements and professional objectives. The Lead in Motion will create a tailored solution to suit your needs whether you’re looking to develop, redesign, host, maintain, or support your website.

Website Services includes:

Website Migrations

Moving or redesigning your website? Your website can be moved easily and smoothly with the assistance of our web development specialists in Singapore and Philippines. 

Our comprehensive migration strategy includes analysis of all of the following:

  • SEO considerations
  • Moving from HTTP to HTTPS
  • Changing the domain name
  • Changing URLs 
  • Changing your site navigation 
  • Migrating a part of a website 
  • Moving to a new server 
  • Moving to a new CMS or framework
  • Mobile version

From a technical and SEO perspective, website migrations can be extremely risky. To retain the authority and technological backbone of your website, make sure you have the correct staff on your side.

Custom WordPress Design

Our customized WordPress websites seamlessly combine aesthetics with functionality while putting a strong emphasis on user-centric design. We make sure your website captures and engages visitors from the get-go because we know it’s frequently the first impression they get of your company.

Understanding your company’s objectives and target market in great detail is the first step in our technique. We then meticulously create a design that not only accurately represents your business identity but also improves user experience. Our unique WordPress solutions are created to match your unique demands, whether you’re searching for an e-commerce platform, a place to showcase your work, or an educational blog.

The Lead in Motion takes pride in producing websites that not only have outstanding visual appeal but also produce measurable outcomes. Let us help you boost your online presence and stand out in the competitive digital environment with our expertise in creating customized WordPress websites.

With our web design services, you’ll receive:

  • 24/7 support from our team
  • Unlimited revisions
  • Includes Onpage SEO & technical SEO
  • Load balancing (a fast loading website)
  • Automatic security and protection upgrades