Social Media Management (Paid and Organic)

Social media ads are meant to engage with an audience that is already engaging

To make sure you’re interacting with the correct audience on the right platforms, our social media professionals create a thorough strategy that includes audience analysis, landing page optimization, and compelling creative production.

Social media advertising is one of your greatest options if you’re looking for an inexpensive marketing plan that instantly increases brand recognition and increases website traffic and conversions. It is significantly more cost-effective than traditional advertising, costing an average of $3 per thousand impressions, and enables you to target particular audiences with uncanny precision.

Together with your team, our social media advertising specialists will create a thorough social media advertising strategy that makes use of the most recent techniques and technologies for continuous improvement. In order to make sure you are not only targeting the proper audience but also optimizing the user’s experience from start to finish, we build a thorough audience targeting plan together with compelling creative and landing page optimization. 

Our social media team has certifications for a number of platforms, including Google Analytics, Google Data Studio, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. To provide a seamless user experience that is engaging and meaningful, our teams frequently cooperate, merging analytics, design, and UX.

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years paid social media expertise
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seo and PPC optimized

Paid Social Media Ads

Targeting clients that regularly use social media is made easy by leveraging platforms for social media advertising. These platforms typically offer extensive targeting possibilities, giving you extra methods to reach your precise target audience. In order to enhance engagement with your brand and visitors to your website, our skilled team will conduct research, select the appropriate consumers, and produce captivating advertising. This will increase both awareness and leads.

We create comprehensive paid social strategies for:

  • Facebook
  • Instagram
  • YouTube

Our team can assist you in choosing the appropriate channels and considering how they interact with your whole digital marketing plan if you’re interested in a comprehensive paid social approach.

The Lead in Motion has aided companies of all sizes in developing and implementing extremely effective social media advertising strategies that meet or exceed their corporate objectives. Over the course of managing hundreds of campaigns, we’ve created a comprehensive methodology that has been enhanced as new technology and methods become available.

Build Brand Awareness & Thought Leadership

Advertising on social media is a fantastic approach to increase brand recognition and attract highly qualified potential clients. Additionally, it is an excellent tool to disseminate knowledge and develop your reputation as a thought leader in your field. Your brand should design a complete strategy that makes use of all of the tools and ad types available to engage your audience as their social media engagement increases.

Laser Focused Targeting

Unlike any other digital media platform, social media advertising enables you to target audiences with incredibly fine precision. Your ad and content will reach the appropriate people at the right time using the volume of data that is gathered, the size of the audience, and the various targeting choices. You have complete targeting control over your campaign. That’s the power of social media advertising. It enable you to keep your marketing budget as effective as possible while also focusing your efforts.

Cost-effective Strategy

Social media advertising, which costs an average of $3 per 1,000 impressions, is still a low-cost method of promoting your business, disseminating content, and generating quality leads from the channels that your target audiences frequently visit.

Proven ROI

Social media advertising offers you the most value for your money when spreading content and generating leads from target audiences due to its huge audiences and superb targeting possibilities. Your campaigns will always be successful because of our tried-and-true social media advertising strategy and procedure.