Paid Media & Conversion Rate Optimization

We've been managing ads since 2015. Yeah, we're that old

Search engine advertising is open to everyone. To maximize the return on your investment, our team of paid media specialists uses the most recent advancements in sponsored search technology, best practices, optimizations, and testing methods.

We provide your prospects with customized advertising that generates traffic and leads, complete with landing page optimization, creative development, and more, by utilizing an integrated strategy to paid media that combines paid search, programmatic, display, and paid social.

Using a thorough keyword research, in-depth audience targeting, ongoing ad and landing page testing, thorough competitor research, continuing reporting, and campaign adjustments, our paid media professionals reduce your costs and boost your revenue.

We manage all paid media ourselves and never outsource. Our paid media team will take care of every area of your paid search campaign, from research to campaign optimization, testing to measurement, reporting to continuing strategy, to make sure we are getting results and keeping you informed of opportunities. Even better, you’ll have direct access to our project management tool so you can see how and when we continuously improve your campaigns.

0 %
average improvement in efficiency
0 +
average monthly optimizations
years paid media expertise
years average client retention

Paid Search

We do more than just concentrate on ad wording and keywords. For the finest statistics, we collaborate with your marketing teams to make sure your Google Analytics and Google Ads accounts are connected properly. We target particular audiences in order to grow your business and assist you in optimizing your landing pages and content to encourage users to take action. In order to establish a comprehensive search strategy and achieve cross-channel success, we then share that data with our SEO team.

Our paid search team optimizes:

  • Google Ads
  • Audience targeting
  • Landing page optimization + testing
  • Google Analytics + Google Ads integration
  • Reporting through Google Data Studio


Data is carefully scrutinized throughout the analysis stage of the CRO process to understand user behavior, spot bottlenecks, and identify areas that might need improvement. You can acquire important insights that direct the optimization process and increase conversion rates by doing a thorough data analysis that takes into account user interactions and journey patterns.


Making educated predictions about modifications that might boost conversion rates is part of the hypothesis phase. These theories are founded on information gleaned during the analysis stage. You can develop a disciplined method for testing and improving components of your website for increased user engagement and conversions by creating and prioritizing hypotheses.

Assessment & Experiments

Testing and experiments include applying the hypothesis through carefully monitored adjustments to the components of your website. To discover which version produces superior results, this A/B testing technique contrasts it with the original. You can improve the user experience of your website and increase conversion rates by running tests on elements like layout, content, and calls-to-action.

Measurement & Reporting

Measurement and reporting are crucial elements in assessing the effects of changes that have been made. You assess how well each experiment drove conversions by meticulously monitoring and analyzing crucial indicators. Transparent reporting offers information on what is working and what needs to be changed, enabling ongoing improvement and eventually raising the conversion rates of your website.

Tools We Use

At The Lead in Motion, we use a host of best-in-class tools to analyze, develop, test, and report on our conversion rate optimization campaigns. Some of the tools we use include:

  • Google Optimize
  • Google Search Console
  • Google Analytics 4

Our experts are consistently innovating and learning, attending conferences, trainings, and collaborating in online communities to ensure we stay on top of the latest optimization techniques and best practices.